In a world where I can mix plaid, sailboats, fake fur, and a hoodie – anything’s possible ; )
In Arnold’s Cove, Newfoundland.
Hat by Bardot Junior; plaid shirt and boots by Joe Fresh kids; hoodie by American Apparel Kids; trousers by Bobo Choses.
In a world where I can mix plaid, sailboats, fake fur, and a hoodie – anything’s possible ; )
In Arnold’s Cove, Newfoundland.
Hat by Bardot Junior; plaid shirt and boots by Joe Fresh kids; hoodie by American Apparel Kids; trousers by Bobo Choses.
Love the photos! Love all the little footprints in the dusting of snow on the deck! Marshall must have had fun marching around in his funky plaid/sailboats/fake fur/hoodie/boots :)
Love your photos of the little big man exploring. It brings back memories. Wish I could do it all over again. I would stop longer to enjoy their moment. I never comes back.
Cute heading and I love the leggings. I want some.
I want some too :)
Can’t get enough of that hat.
Good thing – I will be wearing it lots to come! x
one of my favourite outfits yet :)
so beautiful!
so cute !
what lovely photos!!!!! and an outfit to die for – MUST get my son a hat like that!
Congratulations on being FP! He’s adorable and SO COOL! :D
So cute :)
Marshall Ace, you are a Freshly Pressed machine, and cute to boot :)
It must be the hat! x
Oh god !! Love the pics !! Such a cute darling he is :D
And please check out my latest post on love –
well, now that is pretty darn cute. :)
the baby’s so cute… <3 <3
Love the photo of the lobster traps! :)
I dress the same way but I don’t have the cute hat. Must get one for my adult son…he wanted one for Christmas….Enjoy the good weather days there….we seemed to have missed winter here in our corner of Southwestern Ontario…..
Too cute!
I loved your photos! Beautiful and sweet :)
Love the sailboats on the leggings! Pretty stylish! And I envy that hat. Looks so nice and warm.
He totally ROCKS that look…wish I could do the same! But alas, fur and plaid on me would only lead others to conclude that I indeed belong in an institution…
Au contraire! Plaid and fur go hand-in-hand! Rock it like a lumberjack! x
So cute.
the footprints in the snow is adorable!
cutest thing ever!!! congrats at being freshly pressed.. glad to have found you, from one maritimer to another..
Your photography is awesome! I totally love your kid’s outfit, he defiantly is setting a trend in my eyes ;)! Totally love the pics, thank you for sharing :D!
Oh to be so cute that “anything looks good” !
i like your kid’s smile and his dress actaully so cute…
your way of taking snap is out standing i like your snaps
Awww!!! I love these pics soooo cute!!!
so cute! nice photos.
Baby-winter-newfoundland2 is my personal favorite. Love the perspective, the light and composition. Well done!
But more importantly you have given your baby a VOICE.
[I’m a baby. And a fashion blogger.]
Laughing pretty hard half way around the world. Can you hear me? This is what the good stuff in life is made of.
Thank you for sharing. Congratulations of being FP’d.
Looking forward to your future post for sure.
Thanks so much SueAnn – so that’s what that distant laughing noise was… ;)
So cute!
Reblogged this on My Favorite Spaces.
Lovely photos… I can see a bit of a pout going on there!
He is a lucky, curious and intelligent boy, you can see that on those few photos. Bless to the parents of lucky children and, of course, to all children.
Kind regards from Luenen at Dortmund, Germany
Love this blog. It’s a really witty idea.
He is downright adorable! :D Love the hat.
Our family from Nova Scotia often talks about Newfoundland when they come to visit. Pretty funny stories they tell. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
i’m an east coaster currently living on the west coast- was so nice to see some of the beautiful scenery a little closer to home. thanks for sharing :) and my oh my, do you ever have a cutie on your hands- so adorable :)
Cuteness overload, I love it! Beautiful photography and very stylish! :)
Such beautiful photos! I am a WordPress photographer as well, so I absolutely love when I see posts like this! Great job.
Thanks so much Aaron – we certainly aren’t “photographers” on your level but we know when to find the good light and have cute subject matter :)
Diggin’ the hat. Makes me miss home (New Brunswick) hope all is well on the Rock!
I’ve always wanted to go to Newfoundland. I have been close several times, but now I want to take the CAT (If one goes there) over to visit. I’ll go in summer if you don’t mind. It looks too bloomin’ cold to be there right now.
Nice photos, and a cute kid.
Big ferries – from Nova Scotia you can go:
1. North Sydney to Port au Basques which is the quickest ferry journey (5-7 hours) but very far from the capital (900km), St. John’s
2. Or you can take a 17-hour journey from North Sydney to Argentia, which is right near St. John’s.
If you want to see the more of the island and go to Gros Morne National Park then option one is best :)
Good luck!
That boy is so cute :)
Beautiful :)
Congrats on being freshly pressed! I need a pair of the sailboat pants, but somehow I don’t think I could ever looks as good as you Marshall.
Congrats on being freshly pressed!! I was so excited to see newfoundland in a title on the Pressed page..I am from Newfoundland and have been living away for many years. Love your wee man’s outfit and love the photos of Arnold’s Cove!Thanks for posting and for mentioing the greatest place to live on Earth!!
Newfie power!
yes bye!
He is adorable and Newfoundland is such a gorgeous place. I was there two yrs ago at St John’s. The best time ever.
Yes, your statement 100% correct. I enjoyed all of your photography.
I want sailboat leggings! Those are awesome :D
The baby and the town are beautiful.
it is really good….
Reblogged this on finnegan2749.
Here’s a new blog of mine on beer making and beer.
Cute kid he was having fun. I remember winter when I was young.
We love Newfoundland! Beautiful pictures!
Absolutely beautiful. My mom is from Newfoundland and I’m definitely going to share it with her. I know she’ll love it
Yay – hi to your mum x
Such amazing pictures!!
Man, you are good!! I love your photo’s, they are so unique and interesting!! I love ’em!!!(:
Awwwiii…lovvvvve the kid! want to hold him in my arms and touch his cheeks with my fingers :) Great post!
Reblogged this on 40 días y 40 noches and commented:
Newfoundland. Se parece a Galicia, no?
I was really struck by the sunny winter day photo. Just brilliant! Thank you for that!
Love the pictures :)
Love the pictures. He is adorable.:-D
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How cute is he, adorable!
Marshall, you are precious! . . . And love the rustic beauty of Newfoundland!!
Totally and utterly delightful!!
that’s really cute baby :)
His smile is priceless :) So Adorable!
I need a pair of those trousers in adult size and tiny prints! I wished the weather is cooler where I am. Then I could make myself one pair of those. :p
cute…nice photos. It looks beautiful up there!
Thanks for sharing these great photos. Newfoundland is on my top 5 list of places to visit. I know many people from there and I really want to see a iceberg, and see all the colours and experience all that NFLD has to offer!!
I grew up spending my summers in St. Johns! It’s where my family is from. These photographs are lovely.
nice outfit and pictures. congrats for being freshly pressed.
Wow!!! You take great pictures! I didn’t even have a camera when I was 3…and the ones you took of your self! Amazing!!! You must use a timer? Anyway, it’s good to see 3 year olds taking charge…your time has come….do it for the two year olds! They’re not quite awake yet…as you know….does Dad let you drive yet? Cause I think you’re ready…just say this: “DaDa, me steer…you do peddles…” trust me…it worked for me! Later Gator!
Gorgeous photography! Adorable little boy! I truly enjoyed these photos and look forward to viewing more of your blog! Thank you for sharing something so precious!
Gorgeous shots and beautiful baby, wow!!
Those are very great photographs! Very cute kid!
Love your pictures they are lovely :) love the leggings I have a little farmer who would love a tractor pair :)
Congrats on being freshly pressed! This is the cutest blog I’ve ever seen ^-^
Great pictures and he is ADORABLE!!
I love kids , Adorable pics
Fab pic’s… he looks like a real little man’s man!
Photos are amazing! And he is adorable :) Loving the whole look, but the trousers are something I must get in my size. Sooo cute!
I think this blog is mean to your poor kid…. Sure he is gorgeous and the clothes are super cute… but your making him like a zoo attraction and some beautiful things are so because they are private… like the life of your baby.
You have the skills to create such a beautiful and popular blog… why do you need to publicly display your little boy as the medium…?
haha, that’s such a cool look.
i love the photos of the senery amazing work :D
love the pics
check out my blog
I enjoy the last photo with the top down perspective; that you for giving us a glimpse :-)
I am so surprised at some of the comments!
Thank you for bringing me back to childhood visits to Newfoundland. Love the landscape, the kid, the clothes… :)
Cool outfit, cute little boy… amazing photos!
You have a truly great eye for seeing the same and popular in a new angle. Have been keeping an eye on your posts latelly ;) A little blog detective hi hi ;)
Last one is my total favorite! Sort of steady but so intriguing! ANd you have quite a great style going on there,little Mister ;)
I absolutely love the photos very much. The landscape was perfect especially the kid. Hopefully when fatherhood knocks on my door, I wish I could have a son as cute and adorable as he is. :)
Love the photos. What a sweetheart! My hubby’s a Newf. We spend time there every other summer. Great shots!
what a beautiful baby!
Awesome shots! Your little model is a future Zoolander!
[…] A sunny winter’s day in Newfoundland « the {tiny} sartorialist. Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Published: February 27, 2012 Filed Under: Uncategorized […]
Love the photos… what type of camer do you use?
Canon 5D. Sometimes iPhone, but these shots are all 5D :)
I am looking to get a new camera so that is helpful. Thank you.
I love the fourth one from the top – it looks like your little guy is about to throw down some rap lyrics! you caught such a great look on his face!
I was rapping ;)
Newfoundland has captured my heart ever since I read “Shipping News” by Annie Proulx. Your photos are just as beautiful as her writing. And I just gotta say, love the pants. :)
The smile on that little angel’s face – it warms my heart!
Every time I see a picture of Newfoundland I get homesick and want to get in my car and head for North Sidney to catch the boat!!
I will dress my child like this, someday! please wait 10 or so years so I can make a blog post about it and highlight you as my inspiration :)
so cute a boy and beautiful scenery.
He looks ready to go into the wild! Love your shots, the town looks so peaceful in your photography.
This is fantastic, and Canadian, so that’s always a bonus, totally liking the hat like everyone else is saying
Awwww! Cute babbyyy!!!
Very nice photos.
Sooo cute!
Shout outs to Poppy!!! Oh Marshall Ace, you are the cutest boy in the whole world! I will see you again soon! xoxoxoxoxo Aunt J
Such great pictures, the fashion is great! I love it when kids put together the outfits we think wouldn’t go together and then when they are done they look so natural and cute! The senic pictures are wonderful and clear as well. You have a great eye for photography and your family looks so wonderful. Have a great winter and can’t wait to see what you post next. :)
How completely adorable, I love love love the hat!!!! Fabulous pictures!
I really loved the 5th image. All of these images are great.
I miss Canada (my native land), thank you for the photos! My roommate in University was from Newfoundland :)
Your pictures of the kid are TOO CUTE! :)
Oh, and the fourth picture really captures the beauty of everyday life.