A few weeks ago I posted a very nice competition – I asked for people to nominate what/whom my mum should knit next. The winner’s prize is an actual knitted picture of their suggestion + a 10-piece American Apparel giveaway of his/her choice.
I had many great entries and am due to announce the winner tomorrow, but am having some trouble picking from the top 10, which are listed below in no particular order.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
The top 10 knitted list – what/whom do you want to see knitted?
1. Walter White/Breaking Bad
2. A sloth
3. Neil Armstrong
4. Rocky Horror Picture Show lips
5. Someone’s first drawing
6. Obama
7. Bieber
8. Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
9. The Queen
10. Dr. Who’s TARDIS
Thank you very much,
Love Marshall Ace x
8. Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can! :)
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
Andy Warhol’s campbell soup
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup ((:
andy warhol soup cans
Soup can = yawn.
Done a bazillion times a bazillion ways.
Walter White on the other hand…
Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup
andy warhol’s campbell soup! :)
Walter white!!!! Please!!!
8. Campbell soup
8. Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can! :)
Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can
Either Rocky Horror or Campbell soup
Tardis! Dr Whoooooooooo!
dr. seuss tardis!
Dr Who Tardis
and it looks like the Tardis image isn’t linking? (maybe it is just my computer)
Campbell Soup Can!!! :D
Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup
Campbell soup
the LIPS!!
Wow, everyone loves the soup…
Well I vote for the Sloth. Sloths rock. And their cuteness makes Kristen Bell cry.
Dr. Who Tardis
Justin Bieber Justin Bieber!
I know not everything in life has to be about role models but when it comes to a little kids dreams Neil Armstrong has to be up there!
Justin Bieber!
Justin Bieber
Dr. Who’s TARDIS. Yes!
(I agree that soup can = yawn. It had it a ground breaking moment for sure, but as of now, appreciated but overrated :) ).
Justin Bieber
Tardis Please!
Tardis! Who loves you!
Justin Bieber Fever!
Justin Bieber
We’re putting our vote in for Obama-rama!
Dr who tardis!
Dr who tardis!
Dr who tardis!!!
My vote goes to the Soup Cans — would love to have a knitted jumper with those, to be honest. So colourful & iconic!
Dr who tardis!!!
The biebs
Justin Bieber because my grandsons loooove him!
Thanks for pointing that out! It wasn’t linking but all fixed now x
justin bieber
10. Tardis!
Dr.who tardis
Walter White! Walter White! WALTER WHITE!!!
Justin Bieber
Andy Warhol’s, for sure! :)
SOUP CANS!!! Those would be awesome on a jumper!
Totally soup!
Re: Tardis—YES!
Dr. Who Tardis!
Dr. Who Tardis!!!
Dr who tardis!
Future geek boy baby, for sure.
future geek boy = future Dr who watcher.
Yes I sent out a plea to my friends to aid in the encouragement of my son to become a “geek” (like his parents) with a handmade Tardis sweater. It’s shameful, I know, but I am excited about the idea of a Tardis sweater. . . even if it is just a blue box.
On a side note there really are some great ideas here. I bet they would all make an awesome sweater and can’t wait to see the chosen design.
Dr who’s tardis!
Dr who TARDIS!
Come on WALTER WHITE!!!! Soup can overdone and TARDIS is a box :)
Ok, well it looks like it’s going to be the soup can, which I’m sure has already been mass produced in knitwear somewhere.
Go on… knit the can because the masses have spoken, then when you’re finished with it, do one that actually speaks to your art and to the moment.
Walter White would be news worthy instead of snooze worthy.
Walter White please! Or as Hal ;)
The choice isn’t based only on popular vote, I get ultimate say. But I do want to hear what people are interested in and will be taking that into account in my final decision :)
I’m gonna go with Obama, just to piss off the Teapublicans. ;)
Justin Bieber because he is relevant today, as so many young people around the world adore him and his music, especially my two nephews. They are only 2 and 3 – years – old and they are so happy and excited when they sing and dance to his music, and that makes me happy
Please do Justin Bieber, I read that he enjoys knitting too, how cool is that something in common…
I’ve near seen any Warhol knitwear, to be fair. I think Walter White is cool but not sure if he’d make a great design on clothing. Lol!
*Never seen
Justin Bieber would look awesome on a sweater, why? because despite his age and his super fast way to satrdom, he is influential….and that’s a 30 something saying that… he’s a cutey too haha
Justin Bieber times a million trillion gazillion!!! I am a Bieleber 4 Life!
You have to do Justin Bieber! arghhhhh I can already hear all the screaming fans cheering Bieber Bieber Bieber
Walter White is the clear choice. One, it’s the best show on tv show. Two, I just got to use alliteration twice in one sentence. Three, he is the most unique character out of all the above and I’m pretty sure his face is yet to be on a sweater – hello originality! :)
A drug dealer? Really?
Lets get amongst Bieber Fever! Justin Bieber makes people sing and dance, especially the youngans and come on they are our future… I Belieb the children are our future!
Purely design-wise, I’d say the Soup Cans get my vote, or the Queen! Walter White on a sweater would honestly look kinda creepy.
Tiny Sartorialist: Just gotta say that I love your knittings! Any chance they’d be up for sale sometime? ;)
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!